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Doors Closing Friday 10th March


Did you know that 20% of Solopreneurs fail within the first year of business, 30% within the second year and 50% within the fifth?


Lack of action, attempting to figure out everything by themselves, trying to do everything on their own, getting in their own way and not considering outside perspectives seem to be the main roadblocks for most Solopreneurs and the reason why 20% of them fail within the 1st year of business.


Through the mentorship program at Allbright (where I am an active mentor), I see all the above but not only. There is also a lack of knowledge around the tricks of this new game and it makes sense … this is not something your corporate career taught you!


So the quicker you bring yourself up to speed, the quicker you will be able to pay yourself that first paycheck, which in turn will allow you not only to invest in you but in support to further grow your business … all key ingredients to success!


This is why I have created “GET IT RIGHT FROM THE START”, a Mastermind for Solopreneurs that will give you the tools, know-how and mindset support you need to get it right from the start and for a period of 12 weeks to fast track your progress.

“GET IT RIGHT FROM THE START” MASTERMIND is perfect for you if you are a freelancer, consultant, coach or trainer who:

  • Has recently taken a leap and wants to learn the rules of this new game.


  • Has been hustling for some time now and is not getting the desired results.


  • Is burning out with 1:1 work and is wondering how to scale without putting even more hours in.


  • Feels all alone in this journey and could do with tapping onto the expertise and experience of not only someone who is ahead in the same game, but the collective group and a carefully curated group of guest experts speakers.


What will happen inside the Mastermind?


We will start with an individual assessment to gain clarity around where are you at in your life/business and where do you want to be.

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Bi-Monthly Mastermind Group ZOOM calls for support and accountability, and better yet, a chance to ask the group for whatever you need in order to keep you and your business growing (total of 6 group sessions)

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1 X 1:1 coaching & mentoring session with me to dive deeper on your needs.

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A line up of guest expert speakers that will teach you everything about brand positioning, funnels, how to create an online course that sells, how & where to pitch for visibility and more!       

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A private Facebook Group for daily focus, accountability and support and lots of magic, growth and … FUN!



This is an exclusive founding offer for the investment of €1,000 (VAT excl)

*Payment plans available (3 instalments of €350)

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